RoboTech: Grades 2-6

Your child’s adventure into Robotics,Coding, Stop Motion,  and Technology  

We have lots of ALL NEW activities for your child!  Don’t miss the excitement!  Classes fill quickly.

Watch the love for technology spark in your child as we make learning FUN!

Note: Your child must be 8 or up to take this class at most locations.

Please Note:  Due to the large number of subjects included, the following subjects will be covered over the course of the year.  Each semester will teach different subjects so more time will be available to learn the concepts being taught.

  • Coding

Robotics: Brand New Builds!

With Lego ® MINDSTORMS EV3’s students will build a walking man able to push a cart loaded with supplies!  Students will program cart races with classmates. Who can dump the cart first and move on to the balance to ride with friends?  This session will be “cart loads” of fun!

Lego ®MINDSTORMS NXT’s are all new this year! Dizze Bot has monster tires to navigate around and over any obstacle course while students learn programming blocks.  How fast will the Grasshopper race it across the room. The Chick has an issue with balancing on his 2 feet. Would an effective program help with his wobble?

New! Augmented Reality (AR):  Join the fun as we explore Augmented Reality apps, how they work, the different uses for AR in real world settings.

New! Pivot Animator: Programming!  We are so happy to offer Pivot Animator this year!  Pivot Animator is a user-friendly platform creating 2D stick-man animations. The stick figures can be easily moved by dragging handles. The animation is made frame by frame. While Pivot Animator is very easy to use, very complicated animations can be created.  Your student’s animation can be exported to several formats to use as a GIF or on YouTube!

New! Makerspace:  What is a Makerspace?  This is a place that students can meet to create and engineer items that might solve a problem.   With Lego ® Education Simple Machines kits and supplies from your closet or around the room, students will Define a problem to solve, Brainstorm together for ideas, Identify Design Criteria, Go Make, Review and Revise and finally Communicate the Solution through their Maker project! Possible projects are Digital Accessories, Mechanical Toys, a Wearable, a Carnival Ride and so much more. Let’s see what the kids design and Make!

New! Claymation Stop Motion: We will also reinforce frame by frame videos with Claymation/Lego Stop Motion!  Students create their own stop motion film laying out a plan that starts with a storyline, character development staging and more.  Students will need to use their Sequential Reasoning capabilities and thought processes to create their video.  Using molding clay, dough, Lego minifigs and bricks, students can be more creative than ever!

New! Computer Coding: Blockly Games is our newest addition, using fun games to learn coding language.  The first puzzle students navigate show how to click commands to the blocks by matching traits of different animals. The following puzzles let students choose an avatar and adventure. As puzzles are solved with Drag and Drop, the code is also shown in Javascript.  Older students will be challenged with games using parameters, angles, degrees and music notes to name a few, while showing how to write the commands in both Blockly and Javascript.

Gaming:  Let’s create our own game using the safe Roblox Studio!  While your child has been busy playing everybody else’s games on Roblox, they could have been making their own!  Well, we’ll fix that!  Students will create and play their game as they learn all about directionals, anchors and how to make a game that others will be challenged by.  Each week we will progress until all students test each other’s game out.  This is too much fun!!

Machines: With Lego ® Simple and Powered Mechanisms our students will become scientists and engineers while understanding mechanical and structural principles in machines used in everyday life. Using technic bricks our students will build  the Sweeper, the Flywheel and more!

New! Computer Science: What is a hard Drive? We find that kids are smarter and faster with technology these days but many  don’t know the basics of the computer itself. What does www. mean? What is a browser? How do you find a port?  What do the icons mean and why are they on the taskbar? Older students will learn where to find the computer specs and what they mean; what makes a computer run faster or slower and is the computer “glitchy” or did you just give it too many commands at once?  When they can answer these questions, they can quiz you!

Other building activities and programs will be taught as class time and length permits. Full details will be listed in parent summaries.

Watch the love for technology spark in your child as we make learning FUN!

View our video here.

Robotics Club: Minecraft Programming and MINDSTORMS Robots

This program is outlined in detail on our Robotics Club Page.

This is an amazing program for your robotic enthusiast. In order to focus on the programming and robotics the class will be longer and the sessions shorter. The classes will be limited to 10 children.

We will be offering Minecraft Programming and LEGO MINDSTORMS Robotics in the club.